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Grand Hotel Taipei spelled 'SALUTE' on light up rooms to pay highest repect to frontliners

As a celebration to Taiwan's announcement of zero cases in over a month, Grand Hotel Taipei on Tuesday (April 14) illuminated 57 rooms to form the word "zero," while the Grand Hi-Lai Hotel in Kaohsiung flashed a smiley face, Taiwan News reported.

Last night, Grand Hotel Taipei displayed "Zero" a salute to the selfless and courageous heroes combating COVID-19. Grand Hotel Taipei pays highest respect to the country's health workers to guard and protect our health during this pandemic.

The word “SALUTE” will be displayed at the Grand Hotel to convey our gratitude to the health workers serving on the front lines. The hotel hopes to attract all the positive energy for the world.

It was March 9 when Taiwan reported no new cases said Health Minister and Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) head Chen Shih-chung in a daily press conference in Tuesday. This implies that the country had gone 36 days with at least one coronavirus case per day.

Majority of Taiwan's cases were imported from Europe Asia, and North America and many feared these imported cases to bring a second wave of domestic infected in the country.

Chen also announced that all 214 of the Taiwanese citizens evacuated from Hubei province via charter plane in late March had been released from home isolation and begun self-health management.

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