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Taiwan's COVID-19 prevention response is top notch and one of the best globally: CNN

Taiwan's efforts fighting off coronavirus earns praise in different countries and is one of the best globally according to the article entitled "Taiwan's coronavirus response is among the best globally" by CNN.

Taiwan has kept the virus under control when other parts of the world have not. Taiwan learned its lessons from the previous severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak.

"Taiwan rapidly produced and implemented a list of at least 124 action items in the past five weeks to protect public health," report co-author Jason Wang, a Taiwanese doctor and associate professor of pediatrics at Stanford Medicine.

It added that Taiwan's Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) was set up in wake of the SARS crisis and that this has proven to be key to the country's success in limiting the spread of the virus.

Taiwan's early decisive measures was the decision to ban travel from many parts of China, stop cruise ships docking at the island's ports, and introduce strict punishments for anyone found breaching home quarantine orders.

Taiwan doing its efforts while World Health Organization is not listening to the island. The country has one of the beast healthcare system in the world.

Taiwan is doing this without any lockdowns in the country as it achieve its prevention goals. Taiwan helped other severely hit COVID-19 countries by donations and prevention tactics.


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