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Savour Delicious Foods: List Of Michelin-Worthy Food Stalls In Taipei Night Markets

Night markets are a must-visit for all visitors in Taiwan, specially in Taipei as the foods are loacaly made and are good for everyone's taste buds. 

24 night market food stalls were awarded the Bib Gourmand distinction or the Michelin Guide is an honor that signifies “good quality, good value cooking”.

Here are the 24 food stalls that are Michelin worthy food stalls that can be found in the 7 Taipei Night Markets:

Shilin Night Market

1. Good Friend Cold Noodles (好朋友涼麵)

2. Chung Chia Sheng Jian Bao (鍾家原上海生煎包)

3. Hai You Pork Ribs (海友十全排骨)

Raohe Street Night Market

4. Beef Noodles and Beef Entrails Soup (紅燒牛肉麵牛雜湯) 

5. Fuzhou Black Pepper Bun (福州世祖胡椒餅)

6. A Kuo Luwei (阿國滷味)

7. Chen Tung Pork Ribs Medicinal Herbal Soup (陳董藥燉排骨)

Linjiang Street Night Market

8. Yu Pin Yuan Iced and Hot Tangyuan (御品元冰火湯圓) 

9. Lo Chi Hsiao Chao (駱記小炒)

10. Liang Chi Lu Wei (梁記滷味)

11. Tien Hsiang Stinky Tofu (天香臭豆腐)

Gongguan Night Market

12. Hsiung Chi Scallion Pancake (雄記蔥抓餅) 

13. Lan Chia Guabao (藍家割包)

Nanjichang Night Market

14. A Nan Sesame Oil Chicken (阿男麻油雞)

15. Sung Ching Taiwanese Burrito (松青潤餅)

16. Stinky Tofu Boss (臭老闆現蒸臭豆腐)

17. Unnamed Clay Oven Roll (無名推車燒餅)

Huaxi Street Night Market

18. Hsiao Wang Steamed Minced Pork with Pickles in Broth (小王清湯瓜仔肉)

Ningxia Night Market

19. Liu Yu Zi (劉芋仔) 

20. Fang Chia Shredded Chicken on the Rice (方家雞肉飯) 

21. Rong’s Pig Liver (豬肝榮仔) 

Yansan Night Market

22. Cabbage Rice and Pork Rib Soup (高麗菜飯 原汁排骨湯) 

23. Shi Chia Big Rice Ball (施家鮮肉湯圓)

24. Da-Qiao-Tou Tube Rice Pudding (大橋頭老牌筒仔米糕) 


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