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Sun Moon Lake and Northeast Yilan Coast Area named among the world's top 100 green destinations

Taiwan has lots of green destination but Nantou County’s Sun Moon Lake and the Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area were part of the world’s top 100 green destinations this year.

The two areas were highlighted in the latest “Sustainable Destinations Top 100” unveiled in Croatia on Thursday by Green Destinations, a Dutch nonprofit organization focused on efforts to promote sustainable tourism.

The group described Sun Moon Lake as the star of low-carbon travel in Taiwan, highlighting its hydroelectric power production.

“With the circulation of water in Sun Moon Lake generating electricity and tourism development efforts, this has been a popular destination for many years,” according to a statement on Green Destination’s Web site.

The Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area, which has made the top 100 green destinations list four years in a row, was noted for offering tourists mountain and ocean views, as well as showcasing Taiwanese culture.

Green Destinations highlighted the Old Caoling Tunnel, which connects Yilan and New Taipei City, because the tunnel, sealed and unused for almost 20 years, was revitalized as a cycle track in 2008.

According to Green Destinations, Taiwan tied with Australia and the Seychelles for having the highest number of green destinations in the Asian and Indo-Pacific regions this year.

2009 is the fifth year that the Netherlands-based foundation has made a selection of global tourism destinations based on criteria such as sustainable development, social, cultural and economic conservation, and environmental protection. (By Central News Agency)


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